The Indian flag shows the 3 colors of "courage, peace and truth"
and the "Chakra Varta", the wheel of the Indian doctrine.
Indien - les Indes
These pages on India are underlined by English comments.
Deutsch: die Seiten zu Indien sind mit englischen Kommentaren versehen,
da dies die meisten unserer Leser verstehen.
Français: ces pages sont éditées en Anglais pour faciliter la
compréhension à tout le monde.
Twice we have been to India, to its southern parts, in 2007 and end of
Both times we have been impressed by the colours, the friendliness of its
people, by the
poverty and by the daily problems e.g., waste, technical development, education,
India is a great and most beautiful country and we hope that change
will give it a chance for a
good future, for its splendid nature and for the sake of its people.
Table 1: Political map of India
2007 visit to Goa and Karnataka
2008 visit to Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu

Table 2: Political map and distances
Size of India = 2,973,190 km2
(e.g., Switzerland = 41,290 sq km, India is therefore 72 x
bigger than Switzerland. Germany roughly has 357'000 sq km.)

Table 3: Railway map of India
2007 we travelled by train from Madagon (Goa) to Hubli
2008 we travelled by train from Cochi (Kerala) to Chennai (Tamil Nadu)